MC Escher has been a favorite of ours since back in college. We each had multiple posters adorning our walls in multiple locations. He was meticulous, hard working and talented beyond belief. He disappointed his father who wanted him to follow in his engineering footsteps. We are all happy that Escher chose art. The title of the show "Behind the Paradox" was a way of showing the illustrations and wood cuts that are different from his illustrations of paradoxical situations. To aid in this endeavor the show starts with all the pages from Escher's 1921 book, Flor de Pascula. Within this book are pictures of the Italian countryside, Malta and scenes of nature. Then the exhibit move to some of his more familiar themes of illusion and tessellation. Great fun!
A self portrait
The second day, a series from book of Genesis
The Fifth Day
The day of the rooster
A Spanish procession
A pun on praying, praying mantis that is
The Amalfi Coast of Italy
Great ability to show depth
It is the roaring 20's
Let the patterning and tessellation begin, goats and birds
Frogs and fish
Light and dark fish
Bats and Angels
Red ands vs. black ants
A room full of mirrors
Getting dizzy with it
This very long painting had the bees right in the center
Jumping right out of thje page
Flat worms on a flat canvas
I had never seen these in color before
The water bugs in the middle
Entering the painting!
In the original he is seated
But standing works too
I see the Koi fish lurking
Incoming fish blimps!
Green Ants, good in Gin as we can attest to
Malta, we are booked!
The following are works that Escher did on comission
Imagine hiring Escher to make your Christmas cards
This was for 1945 diplomas for the Tijdelijke Academy, or temporary academy. It was used when education was reinstated in Holland after the war.
E is for donkey. Donkey in Dutch is Ezel
This is an arrow printed on a clear plexiglass sheet and the shadow of the arrow
In the gift shop!
It has been 1 year and 356 days since we began our Migration