Monday, September 30, 2024

28 September 2024: Waterford to Stow on the Wold


It was a very long day of travel.  We were up at 8AM and ate our breakfast.  Then we packed up the car, drove two hours back to Cork, quickly picked up the big bags and then another half hour to the airport.  We were priority so we got to spend the next two hours in the lounge.  Then we flew to London Heathrow and got into a van for another two hour drive to Stow on the Wold.  This last drive was the toughest as the roads were rough and the seats were very uncomfortable.   

Our breakfast nook

Bikers out for a Saturday morning ride

We took the coat road

We were blessed with clear weather

Great scenery

Classic Irish vistas


River crossings


Ocean views

It is still very green

The river leading into Cork

The Cork riverfront

The sleepy airport

Not busy in any definition of the word

Last sip of the Jameson

Irish Elvis in in the building

Serious sideburns

Flying over Ireland

Then over England

Then we saw London

The Thames river

Waiting for our driver

Sun setting in the distance

The next hour will be on marginal roads and in the dark

Off to the store

The town is quaint

All lit up

Classic Cotswold's limestone

 It has been 2 years and 115 days since we began our Migration

27 September 2024 Waterford: A Three Mile Birding Walk


In between lunch and dinner I took advantage of the bright sunny day and took a three mile hike around the island.  I cataloged all of them and put a checklist up on eBird with 24 species on it.  I walked most of the east side of the island and made it to the lighthouse.  

The deer were watching me 

Song Thrush

More deer


A cool little cottage in the woods

A tiny well in the background

The island is quite beautiful

Herring Gull

Hooded gull

Mute swan

The golf course

A fake owl


Eurasian moorehen

Getting all of my ducks in a row

Looking up the west side of the island

A big berm

The swamp outlet into the river

Here is the lighthouse

Some sort of depot

Little egret


Common Redshank

Tussocks of grass

Perhaps a common greenshank?  Merlin made the identification from its call

A train went by honking its horn and scared up all the gulls

Little grebe

The Redshank

Perhaps an otter

Walking down to the water

Common Sandpiper

Very skittish birds

Eurasian Curlew

Basking in the sun

 It has been 2 years and 114 days since we began our Migration