There are very few river dolphins in the world. The Amazon Bolivia India and China are the only places where river dolphins are found. Usually they are small which allows them to handle the fast currents. The largest is the Amazon pink dolphin. It is pink because it has capillaries close to its skin perhaps due to the lack of blubber. They don't need blubber because of the warm Waters that they live in. The pink river dolphin males can grow up to three metres in length and unlike other Dolphins they are very flexible. This allows them to go through the forests when they are flooded in the wet season. We took a boat down to the Confluence of the two rivers that create the Amazon. There is a Eddie there that allows the Dolphins a place to relax and take a break from the fast turbulent current areas. Our guides had a variety of techniques to entice the Dolphins to come closer. They would whistle to simulate the Echolocation sound of the Dolphins. They would splash the water and rather the engines perhaps to simulate fishermen and their Nets. The Dolphins occasionally can get fish that fall out of the Nets while the fishermen are drawing them into their boats. At one point our driver took the boat out and made three complete circles in the water with a 100 ft diameter on the circle. These head various levels of success. We did have an occasion where the dolphin was so close it bounced into the boat. Trying to photograph these fast-moving creatures is difficult at best. I got a few shots none of them that great. However I took 20 or 30,ten second videos and a couple of these out rather well. I will launch these up on YouTube when I get home. After we were very hot and decided to head back and garlic drift down into the actual Amazon. Where the two rivers meet it is very turbulent with a lot of debris. We spun around so many times that we started to get dizzy because of the currents taking us where it wanted to. We had a nice ride back along the bank of the river. We saw an iguana run and splash into the water. We saw some yellow birds that were too fast to photograph. We also saw some 15 ft tall grasses with beautiful tassels on the top.

The best picture I got of a pink dolphin. They turn pink when they're angry or when they're happy. That is because they blush much like humans
You're hard to grey Dolphins they are much smaller than the pink ones
Here's a big pink one barely above the water
My best shot of a gray dolphin
This is a cruise boat that will give you four day cruises out of nauta
Rain in the distance
This is the Treehouse Lodge transfer boat passing us by
These are Bolivian jabiru birds they migrate up during the winter
They are similar to the wood stork in South Florida
They're very large perhaps 5ft tall
Here are the two tributaries up River from us
A panorama of the tributaries
Very turbulent flow here on the Amazon
Beautiful grasses
Heading back up River