If the title doesn't give you the creepy crawlies then actual night time jungle walk would. It was pretty intense. In the jungle we wore headlamps. But headlamps draw in every type of bug known to man. We were swatting away moths, mosquitoes, beatles, flies you name it! We did see some very cool things, a giant Amazonian frog which was at least 12 inches in diameter or 18 inches in diameter. It's stood 9 inches tall off the ground. Edgar said this is the only frog of 400 or so in the Amazon that they actually eat. Of course it tastes like chicken, because it is big as a chicken! We saw a pink tarantula and a scorpion spider. We saw a giant leaf-cutter ant mound. We saw several trees that had fire ants running up and down their trunk. A variety of different trees and things we could have seen in the daylight without all the bugs flying around us. We stayed out there for an hour. We both thought this was a tour we would like. After a half hour it was too much. As soon as Leslie suggested we go back, I was all for it. It took us another half hour to get out which means we did the origional one hour tour anyway. They had a row of boots for the jungle trail. When we first got there, I lined my shoes up next to the biggest boot and indicated that thier boot was too small! They assured me that although we would not be able to do the jungle trip that day because they did not have boots big enough, they would send off and buy bigger boots. Well they sent off but they were no bigger boots to be bought so I went through the jungle in my only pair of shoes. These Merrell's have been through 15 countries and they are showing their age. Now there's two holes in them and big chunks of mud on them. I spent half an hour trying to get the mud off the sides and bang out the mud out of the treads. They still look like hell.

Jungle Explorer ready for her Excursion
At night all the bugs come out
A big 6-inch spider
A 5 inch scorpion spider bright in my flash
Leafcutter ants were everywhere. I think some got in Leslie's boots
Mushrooms sprouting from the jungle floor
Spores shooting from the mushrooms
A flower on a jungle Vine
A termite nest in the tree. They climb down from the tree and then going to the ground and eat dead roots
The giant Amazon frog
Getting closer for the picture
Here's the close up! Yikes
Pink tarantula