A month prior to leaving on the trip I had to buy a new phone. My old phone was so bad it wouldn't hold a charge more than 4 hours and would hang up on several programs so I had to get a new one. In addition I bought a new camera which was waterproof and shockproof and fully immersible for the trip. I made sure that the new camera worked with a new phone through the wireless connection. I also brought my Canon with the 40x zoom. I had verified that it worked wirelessly with my old phone but did not verify that it worked with a new phone as I was unsure as to whether I would have room to bring it. I wish I would have figured that part out because I was unable to get those pictures to the phone and then to the blog using the wireless. Always trying to solve problems I figured out I could take pictures of the display of the Canon with my other camera, the olympus, and then send them wirelessly to the phone. That is what I have done. I had to play around with different camera settings on the Olympus so that the pictures didn't look like a display. Here are the pictures of the anteater up close, which I use the zoom camera for. I also included some hummingbird pictures from Machu Picchu. Lastly a just beautiful picture of the peacock from Aranwa Resort and Spa.

The anteater spend a lot of time with us right there next to the river

His ears are so cute
Here he is digging into the tree itself to get at the bugs
Time to come up for air
I like this animal so much that I spent a lot of time later trying to find a carving or a representation of him. Alas they have not seen the beauty in this Beast
The hummingbird feeder right outside of our room at the Belmond in Machu Picchu drew in so many birds.
Here two hummingbirds birds are fighting for a place at the feeder the top bird is just a blur
The peacock in the sacred Valley
The biggest bird is so delicate
The reds and green are both very iridescent
Looking over at me deciding whether I was about to take the picture. It seems they can sense when I hit the camera shutter and they fly off just before I do
I'm sneaking up behind them here
It almost looks like an eye patch above his eye