Over our club level breakfast we decided to plan our day out. I plotted a map to get to Las Tejas for some cuy, otherwise known as guinea pig. We got to walk through Miraflores and see some very nice flowers. The houses here are very cool and we got to invent stories about all the pedestrians we saw as we walked along. Everyone at the restaurant was a local and the guinea pig was quite delightful. This time it actually did taste like dark meat chicken. Leslie got a big bowl of chicken soup and it really hit the spot. I liked smelling it. I could feel the goodness go into my sinuses, which have taken a beating. We walked back a different way and found a beautiful scarf for Leslie. We also found a store that had authentic art pieces. We were amazed at the quality and the quantity of the artifacts. Some of these figurines are made out of potato paste. They are handmade and then hand painted and assembled in a frame. There are also some lovely textiles that we're too large for us to purchase but we're just incredible. I got ambushed on the way out of the hotel by a shoe shine guy. He spotted my Amazon mud-caked shoes from across the street. He started to apply the shoe cleaner while I was still walking. I tried to brush him off. Leslie said we will catch him on the way back thinking that would satisfy him. However, he saw us on the way back and he came running. It was so very odd he had me stand behind the bush like we were hiding for the rest of the world as he cleaned my shoes. It turned out to be a scam. Although the shoe shine was pretty good he wanted an exorbitant amount of money for just one shoe. 50 Soleil for one shoe and then 50 for the other shoe! We only gave him a little bit more for the second shoe. We called it a lesson learned. I really needed those shoes to be cleaned anyway. We go back to the room where I took a much-needed nap. We begin preparing ourselves for a fine dinner at the number one restaurant South America. It's also the number four restaurant in the world! Central here we come.

Leslie and I have wondered if this is natural or artificial. Google has yet to tell me one way or the other. Come on Google get your act together
There's a little church almost like a shrine at the top of this gate. Very cool indeed
We passed several fruit stands like this along the way. We already had bananas in our pockets although we were happy to see the Fruit Stand
Gorgeous trees look like a tulip tree. However the flowers were all a bright orange.
We really like the curved Edge to the balconies
Very fancy
This is it the place for lunch
Behind the guitar is a large oven and a man Manning the oven
This is my lunch half of a cuy
Tasty cheek meat right here
This was an incredible 4ft by 4ft display of thousands of tiny little figurines.
Made from potato paste and hand-painted
Masks and hearts
It's a dance party
Oh my skeleton guys
Ambushed by a rogue shoe shiner.
Now there is some shiny shoes!