We were in awe at the people we saw that we're either in wheelchairs or using crutches. A world renowned area like this will certainly have every type of person visiting. We were dismayed at the cigarette smokers dropping their butts and the people that insisted on passing us on a one person wide path with another 30 people in front of us, where do they think they're going to end up? We saw mothers with months old babies with them. We saw bratty teenagers. We saw Backpacker dreadlock types. We saw Brazilian butt selfie girls. The whole world was there. The annoying people were the vast minority. We saw many more people willing to take a picture for someone else, waiting to pass for someone who's taking a picture. Genuinely nice people that were helping us find our way. We also met some people that wanted directions and we were able to help them and they were very kind and grateful. We also met some nice people that were asking us about the Belmont. When we had interactions with negative people we just laughed it off and when we had interactions with positive people we shared the love.

Backpackers having a bad day
New agers getting energy from the wall
This lovely couple, Christine and Gill, were from California. They had stayed at the Belmond at Iguazu Falls and we're staying up at Machu Picchu at the Belmont. We laughed about how similar our trips are and they were just such lovely and nice people it was great to get to talk to them.
I was framing my shot and this guy saw me doing it and then walked right in front of me anyway