All good things must come to an end. Alas it is also true of our stay in Amazonia. We had a 1:00 flight so we got up had breakfast at 7:30. Ronnie was so sweet and packed us some ham sandwiches to go. We got in the boat and then back to Nauta. It was a lovely ride the breeze was in our hair it was a nice cool morning. Mid-boat ride the boat driver slows down and stops in the river. We are alarmed as to what could possibly be happening. He gets a call from headquarters and we did not pay our bar bill. They didn't ask us to pay our bar bill so it's understandable. We get this communication and he starts the boat back up and off we go . Once we landed we got change for a hundred Sole and paid our bar bill on the spot. We got in the tuk-tuk and back uphill. We got into a four-person car this time and made it to the airport super fast. My spine is still reminding me of the bumpy ride. We were able to check in on our phones, get to the gate and load up into the plane. We escaped the carry-on luggage box so we were able to carry on our luggage. They allowed too much luggage on so some of them had to be offloaded off the back of the plane. But it was not ours so we were happy. Leslie took beautiful pictures of the jungle as we took off and the mountains as we crossed over to Lima. A special thanks to Edgar for all of his flora and fauna knowledge. He really made the trip special for us. We learnef so much from him thanks, again Edgar!

Riding away from the tree houses
This ship did not require a dock. It just drove right up on the shore
More topiaries in Nauta
Is it a duck?
Into the air we go
Goodbye Amazonia
The river is even big from the air
Can you see the giant catfish?
Snow capped mountains in the Andes
Very big mountain peak