It was dark soon after we left Machu Piccu, so it was completely dark when we got off the train and into our car. The moon is 3/4 full so the river and the mountains were lit up in that special moonlight way. We were watching our progress towards the hotel on the GPS. It's a good thing we were watching because after we crossed the river, went though a tiny town, and onto a dirt road it did not seem right. In a movie, this is where the abduction would take place. But since it was not a movie, it was just a shortcut and we pull up to two impressive gates. Once inside the gates we were blown away. We had been transported to another world. Given that it was dark and we could not see everything, we are still super impressed. The lobby is immense and filled with all kinds of art. The grounds are expensive and it is more like a small town then a hotel. They have a church, a cinema, a museum, a restaurant, a bar, an outdoor firepit and ping pong table, a spa, shops, and more. The photos that follow will be augmented with daytime photos.

The gates being opened
The queen enters her palace
The lobby
Front desk
On the golf cart ride to our room we passed these immense ceramics
Biggest room yet
Spacious bathroom
The ceilings must be 20 feet
Artsy highlights everywhere
Cool tile in the room
The bar
Chandler in the restaurant
Close up of a stained glass in the lobby
Huge painting
Map of the grounds