Sunday, July 30, 2017

A quick trip to some North California Wine Regions

We were back from our South America Expedition for only two weeks before heading out again. It was an eventful two weeks; power issues at the house,  a four day AP seminar,  new appliances delivered and installed, appliance repair, car maintaince.....  We need go head out on another vacation. Kim G. Is turning 60 and has rented a house outside of Healdsburg in the Dry Creek wine region. We were invited to share in the festivities, so here we are. It's a great location and a great group of friends !  We flew through Atlanta to San Francisco and then drove up to Healdsburg. We settled in to the house with Kim and Ken. We got lunch at the Dry Creek Store and then off to the wineries. 

This is the rental house on JackPine road
Great deck

Das pool

It's Kims birthday, time to celebrate 

In line for sandwiches at the Dry Creek Store


Picnic table lunch

Chrome chicken

Old time California 

400 wineries to choose from