We got an early start today and drove down to Santa Rosa. There were two different farmers markets that we went down to and got some very nice produce. There were some tiny nectarines and peaches that looked like they were just cherry tomatoes they're so tiny. They have tiny little pits but tastes just like the real big items. We had a great time and then got back to the house and got ready for some wineries. Some of the roads were closed due to a Ironman bike race. We saw lots of bikes on the road and several people out cheering for them with signs . We were driving out West Dry Creek Road to a winery called Bella Vineyards, the end of the road. Kim saw on the map that there was one right around the corner so we stopped there for 2 hours! It was great fun ! The server's name was Sarah and she was from South Florida. She's also an artist and showed us some great work that she had made. The wines were all superb and top-notch. Plenty of zinfandels for me and other tasty wines for the other folks. She went off the menu and gave us extra wines to taste we sure liked that!

Tiny peaches
Morning light
Bike race
Pepper sign at the farmers market
3 barrels to go please
Hi Sarah, thanks for the fun!
Sara gave Kim this fine map as a gift.