Sunday, October 15, 2023

13 October 2023 Athens: The National Archeology Museum Part 1 Classical Greek


This museum has the most complete collection of Greek works and the finest works within this category.  This post will deal with the Greek pieces from 700 BCE to 200 AD.  Details on each picture.

A grand entrance to a grand building

Some of the earliest statures were lacking some of the realism and came from 700 BCE and earlier

These feet were made for walking

A free standing Poseidon Statue  780 BCE

A sphinx, one of the earliest is from 570 BCE

One of the earliest people to get their hair braided while on vacation

Two thumbs up for the braids

Graves were adorned with sculpture from a dog lover in  460 BCE

I tip my hat to you too

Trimming the beard is always tricky

Demonstrating the proper way to throw a knuckle ball

The Antikythera Mechanism is a celestial calculator from the 2nd century BCE.  Above is a reconstruction

Many different versions were recreated over the years

Extensive studies have been made of the mechanism since it was discovered in 1901 in a ship wreck.  It is made of 37 bronze gears 

Here is the actual mechanism.  It could track the moon phases, zodiacs as well as the movements of Saturn and Jupiter.  It could predict solar and lunar eclipses and the dates of the next Olympic games

Crusted and corroded, it has been studied with 3-D x-ray scans, gamma ray scans, x-ray tomography and scans by machines I have never even heard of  

A bronze eagle head from a chariot

A hoard of 4th Century BCE bronze statues were found by workers from the water board digging in Athens in 1964

It does not appear that this man likes his hat

These later bronzes had all the realistic proportions of the human body

The arm of a boxer 2nd Century BCE

Punchy was his name

More funerary decorations

The draping of the cloth is rendered so exquisitely

I guess these two gents are shaking on a deal for the pig at their feet.  400 BCE

Sad times at the gravesight

Ride like the wind

from around 300 BCE

Favored to win in the third race

Instead of pigeons on statures, these statues are pigeons

Try to find spoome shoes to fit these feet!

A harpy!

Six feet tall and very detailed

Another cute dog

The detail is mind blowing

This is the fastball demonstration

2nd Century BCE row of heads

Doing curls with Zeus

Aphrodite is fighting off Pan with her sandal.  Eros is helping but just a bit

The horns of Pan are the origin of the word horny!

Get ready for the magic trick!

It has been 1 year and 130 days since we began our Migration