Saturday, October 7, 2023

6 October 2023 Budva: Off to the Local Hawaii Island


We took the boat over to the island in the bay.  It is called Hawaii Island but we don't know why, since it is not in the middle of the pacific.  The morning started with para-gliders flying off of the mountains and landing in town.  Leslie heard later that one of them had to escape from his glider and use a parachute.  Then we headed over to the island, it was only 10 euros for the both of us roundtrip.   We enjoyed the trip and walked around the island.  It is pretty small and it did not take a long. As we rounded the trail we saw some very dark clouds.  Weighing our options, we decided that if it was going to rain we were better back on the mainland.  We continued towards the ferry boat and just as we got there it started raining.  On the trip back was in the rain and the driver took this opportunity to gun the engines as hard as he could.  He came within a foot of the breakwater on the way out and just as close to a big ship once we were back in the marina.  It was still raining when we arrived back on the mainland so we headed to the market.  After buying a few items we saw little cat houses and a old church and graveyard.  Then it was back to the pad to enjoy the liquids that we purchased at the market.

A bit cloudy in the morning

Out of the sky, pars-sails pop out

Dropping down fast

Four at a time

Landing in the middle of town

A helicopter was circling all day

I took the trash out and was baffled by all of these bananas

On the boat

Is that beer?

Out driver was very low key

Passing the big ships

Hawaii Island

Gotta take a call

Love the blue waters

We have landed

The beach was very rocky

But there were folks enjoying the sun

these rocks were massive, look in between them and you will see a guy standing on the center boulder

The water is so clear

The cliffs are so tall

An extraordinary place

The cactus like it here

Looking back to the mainland

Loosing the light as the clouds roll in

Here comes the rain

A tiny church

A boat turned into a hut

The sign says it all

Season is over so the cushions are going into storage

Gus the gull

A larger boat is also leaving due to the rain

It is coming down

Hot dog driving at its worst

Blue skies to our left

Pulling into the old town marina

Soom to be back on land

Another needlessly close encounter

Shopping and dropping

Tiny dried fishes

Are they good, we will never know

Many kinds to buy

Little houses for the cats

Cat #6 lives here


The cemetery 

The gate was cool

The second bulding

Cat butt

Mirror image

Two drinks for the price of one

It has been 1 year and 123 days since we began our Migration