There seems to be a tendancy towards overnight flights on long duration legs. We don't like that so much due to my long legs and Leslie's love of looking out the windows. Our business class seats were quite comfortable. I actually took about an hour nap after our lunch and a sip of wine. We flew over Cuba Jamaica Panama and then along the coast of South America. There were clouds over Panama so we didn't get to see it. There were snow-capped mountains in Ecuador or Peru we're not quite sure where and then a glorious set of mountain vistas over Chile! One of the flight attendants took some time to speak with us. He wanted to know where we were from and when we said Miami he said but where are you from originally. We certainly did not look like a pair of Miami natives. With Leslie and her elegant dress and me and my bow tie and jacket, we do not present as the typical American tourists. He was very delightful and gave us some suggestions about places to visit here in Chile. One was a wine train in santa Cruz the other was their Nobel prize-winning poets third house. We've already seen one of his houses on our previous trip over in Valparaiso.

Time to fly!
Very excited indeed
These windows were electronic. With a button you could make them more or less transparent.
As we were just sending to land in to Santiago this mountain ranges opened up
It is winter here after all
I love the variety of colors in this picture