We had been told repeatedly that the flight to Easter Island was a domestic flight. Since we go from Chile to Chile we believed it. So when we got to the airport we got in line for the domestic flight security checkpoint. When we finally got to the front we were told we had to turn around and go to the second floor through a different area. We went to the second floor went to the Easter Island special line and were told that we needed a form. The form is only available on the third floor. Leslie stayed with the luggage while I went up there and went to four different Latam kiosks before we finally found one that had the forms. Lucky for me a Latam agent was helping me navigate the maze. I then filled out our forms and we went through a mini immigration to get to the very same place we started! We are now wandering the gate area because they have not displayed what gate number we have yet. It's a good thing we got here early because you just never know what it's going to take to get on to your flight.

Still no gate assigned for Isle de Pascula
The gate has been assigned and we are in position ready to go