This morning started out like most of her mornings with a quick cup of tea. I had a tasty green matcha tea and the color was so reminiscent of all the different colors and Hues in the lagoon. We rode our bikes down to the breakfast area and we passed the koi pond that had water liliys blooming. We also noticed a large fruit the size of a cannonball and it's the calabash fruit. After breakfast we were going to take a bicycle boat out but it was broken. Instead the cultural liaison took us up to the top of the hill where the chapel was. She had a lot of information about the beginning of the haiva festival. She pointed out where the big three day canoe race finishes. The first day the race starts in Bora Bora and goes to Raiatea. The second day it goes from Raiatea to Tahaa the third day from Tahaa back to Bora Bora. She also told us about the kids having a big month-long vacation here for the Heiva Festival. The Gardener's were working very hard and it showed. There were so many beautiful flowering bushes trees and plants, it was a delight.

First picture of the day
Mucha to do about macha
Riding a half mile to breakfast
Our favorite part of the ride is over a bridge. Which is one of two Bridges which makes us to islands off of the island away from the main island
Koi pond
Big calabash
Water Lillys
Not for swimming
So beautiful
So much blue
A kind if iris
View from up on top
On the viewing platform
The main island
Raiatea island
The chapel. Only a dozen couples a year get married here
Fish trap perhaps?
Black volcanic rocks and lush green jungle
Very tropical
Very beautiful
Some type of pointcetta
More calabash
The hill is so steep that it would be a suicide ride to take the bicycle downhill
Another kind of Poinciana