Saturday, June 29, 2019

Looking for Manta Rays and stopping at the sand bar spa

Another one of the features of our tour was looking for Manta rays. The Manta rays are very skittish and very fast. As we landed they were seen heading out to the deeper water. We gave chase but were unable to catch up to them. On our way back we saw a lot of scuba divers and their bubbles. Loulou surmised that the scuba divers had spooked the Manta Rays.   We swam back and forth at a fast clip but never say the mantras.  Then we continued on to a very shallow spot and Loulou showed us how the sand could act as an exfoliating spa like mask. He rubbed it all over his body and face and it smelled of sulphur. The sulpher in the sand is also found in several mud masks around the world, the sand is only found in this exotic location so that explains why it's like a fancy spa.  We also saw more racing canoes up close and personal. 

Loulou was fast

Hello sports fans, boys and girls!

Bubbles from below

Scuba sign

Leslie' dismount 

Our boat the Iasbella

The magic sand!

Ready to apply!

Make you strong like bull

Racing by

Two boats

And the yellow boat has taken the lead 

Tone to head home 

Still racing at dusk