Tuesday, September 21, 2021

20 Sep 2021 Paris Tour Part Two

The second round of the bus tour kept up with the architectural hits!  Bridges, buildings, monuments and so much more.  The item above is a replica of the Statue of Liberty's flame and was made to commemorate the friendship between France and the US.  It is at the head of the tunnel that Lady Di suffered her fatal crash.  We loved the ride and it really helped to create a mental map of the city.  By the time we made it back to the starting point it was almost time for  the last bus,  Even if we were not done with the big red bus, the big red bus was done with us..  


Curved glass panes on this building

A stone carver's dream

Perhaps the most decorated bridge in the world

More bridge decorations

A cafe right on the Seine

When your model has a bad hair day, do you still sculpt her?

Very modern architecture

There's gold in them there domes

Rodin's the Thinker's butt

The four statues that adorn the bridge

The Grand Hall build in the same style as London's crystal palace

The gates to the Hotel National Invalids, originally a home for injured and elderly veterans

Cannons captured from the Germans, repossessed by the Nazi's and then returned after the war.

Straight from Luxor this Ramses II Obelisk is mighty grand 

The helmet is too big, what to do?

It does not end

Part of the opera house