The Louvre is the largest museum in the world. As such it is advisable to decide what you would like to see before you go and make a plan. Leslie and I decided to see the quintessential French items like the Apartments of Napoleon the Apartments of Louis 14. We also visited the French sculpture hall chocked full of marble, bonze and terra cotta sculpture. What a treasure trove of the best of the best. Laura took the self guided "Masterpieces" tour. We went from the French wing to the Winged Victory statue that you can see above. From there we saw the Mona Lisa from a distance. The mob of people lined up to see her were so numerous and tightly packed that we avoided that room entirely. We can't shake or Florida covid ways. We saw Dutch masers, Italian masters, Flemish masters...this museum goes on and on! Even on our way out we saw more artt at the last chance gallery The building itself is a masterpiece, both the old parts and the new parts. Fun fun fun!
A gold chest 2 feet by 3 feet just for the King's jewels
Such fine inlay work
The Sun King
The turtle races, ready set go!
Nice digs
Potting the O in opulance
Mind boggling how they can work on these ceilings 20 feet up
Hmmm, a dinner for 50 where will I put them all? Right here is where
It is spiral but more of an oval staircase
Its not from Tuscaloosa
One of my favorite types of trinkets. This is a Netsuke from Japan. These intricately carved pieces were used to attach pipes or medicine boxes to the obi sash on a mans traditional outfit
Another Netsuke
One lively Ostrich
Rhino time
Finally someone with bigger feet, these were 24 inches at least
Famous for being stolen in 1911 in an unsuccessful attempt to repatriate it to Italy
Packed tight
Photo-bombing our own picture
Snap those fingers girl, you are fierce!
Just the ceiling on a minor hallway, but what a ceiling it is
Choppy waters ahead
Excuse me, but you have a piece of lint on your nipple
Seafood buffet
level 0 looking up at the roof
Level -2 spiral staircase
The inverted Pyramid
Who dat?
In the Apartments
The extroverted Pyramid
Off to the next adventure