We had reservations for a noon lunch at Laduree a 160 year old restaurant right on the Champs-Eleese. We showed up at 11:30 just to check in and we were told that they were still serving breakfast. We could get a table but not lunch We had the print out of the confirmation of our reservation with us and the hostess looked at it and noticed it was for 33 people and not the three that we wanted. Yikes. Not wanting another breakfast, we took a walk for a bit. When we returned there was a long line but we had a reservation so we went to the front and were taken to a lovely table. The table and chairs may have been the same ones they had 160 years ago. Both the table and the chairs were low riders, hard to fit into. The food however was superb! Laura won first place by getting chicken cooked in a puff pastry with a mushroom cream sauce. My roasted Cod was great and Leslie had a pea soup with goat cheese.
An elegant entrance
Old school fancy
Happy diners
Elegant wood paneling
Pea picking good soup
This iced tea tasted like coffee, is that a thing?
Getting that tasty sauce
Cod by god
Laura's reflection in the mirror
The to go pastry counter
Very nice interior
One of those, two more of these
Macaroon Heaven
Yes yes yes
Off to more adventures