Wednesday, December 15, 2021

14 December 2021 Huilo Huilo Nature Reserve: The grounds

All of the thought, planning and execution of a myriad of details really shows.  Every time we walk down a corridor or stroll about our room we see something else artfully done.  We really love this place!

Looking up to the skylight at the top

The front entrance to the hotel

A very long corridor connects all the hotels together.  You can see all the whole logs of wood.  Some are live trees athat are growing through the buildings nd some are logs used for construction

Live edge planks used decoratively 

Look close and you can see a channel in the very center bottom of the picture.  The water from the waterfall that pours over the Magic Mountain Hotel also flows through this channel and over a interior waterfall

Here is where that water emerges.  We are not sure why the water is not running

Getting the full multimedia explanation of our excursion options

Happy man eating Wild Boar for lunch

This is one big salad!  

Looking out over the Fungi Hotel

Looking down into the hotel

On the very top of the hotel is another viewing platform

360 degrees of viewing pleasure

A smaller opening on the other end of the facility

All the small details make this place so special

Mushroom Art

Even the outbuildings are artfully made

El Lizzard

Am I being a boar?


Lined with art and artifacts each nook and cranny is filled

wood carvings

Man and woman carvings 3 feet tall