Friday, December 24, 2021

21 December 2021: Torres del Paine: Last look at Explora


The path to this waterfall was poorly maintained and so we had not been here to check it out.  There was a hydroelectric system down there at one time but I don't know if it is still functional.  If you look to the top portion of the above photo you can see an extra channel for the water to flow through.  It  can be seen at the end of the waterfall too.  But there is also a bug concrete box like structure with a big pipe attached.  All of this is interesting but it is just a foot note to the beauty and power of this water.

The first rapids with the channel to the left

Here is where the channle comes out

Bottom left is the pipe and it attaches to another concrete box in the center bottom of the picture

So maybe the water goes from this catchment box through the pipe and runs a turbine of sorts? 

There is certainly enough power in this run to share