Tuesday, December 28, 2021

26 December 2021 Panama City Panama: The Drive and the Arrive!


After some confusion about the ride that did not show up and the destination of our hotel we were on our way.  The taxi was not going to waste any time on the speed limits so he was off to the races.  We saw the sen set behind the new high rises of Panama City.  As we got nearer the old town we saw numerous holiday decorations.  The local favorite is blue lights hanging out from trees like weeping willow branches.  It was quite the dramatic visual effect and on the off chance that the taxi was not hitting a bump or swerving to miss a pothole, I could manage a decent picture.  The best was when we were passing the Presidential Residence.  We hit traffic in the old town and inched all the way to the Hotel.  It was a Sunday night and there was a big Christmas light show in a local park that had cars lined up for miles.  Once we got to our hotel we loved the look.  It was a restored building and our room had a balcony and a second story.  The bed was on the second floor and a set of spiral stairs led us up there.  Very fun and fancy.  It was more than you might expect from the old town.  We got settled in and then went out in search of sustenance.  

Driving in on a bumpy highway

One on five pictures came out

In the park there were massive collections of Christmas lights

It my be my eyes tricking me but is this a giant gorilla on the right?

Outdoor Eating under the lights

Lots of folks out and about

A two story Christmas tree

A long tube of lights

Carousel Horses  

Lighjhts hanging off the balconies

Blue Light Special

The home of El Presidente and the flags are flying

The most elaborate one yet

Dem bones are all lit up

Dem cars are all lined up

One of five squares in Old Town

Each one trying to out do the other

Almost there

Welcome to Villa Palma

The bar and chandelier at Villa Palma

Shiny white and red for the dining area

Our balcony is top left

A very ornate moveable partition

Welcome to your room

Seating area, curved door to balcony and spiral stairs to the bed

A reflection of beauty

Up stairs

The huge mirror

The bed and a very nice light fixture

Plastic bottles cut and painted to look like flowers

A blue haired Christmas Elf

The Cathedral all light up

Found a place for "food"