Wednesday, December 15, 2021

14 December 2021 Huilo Huilo Nature Reserve: A short walk

We had checked on the trail conditions for the Hoffman trail and the response was " head out past the Magic Mountain and at the end of the parking lot is the start of the trail which is an easy flat trail".  None of that turned out to be true.  First of all there was construction so we couldn't ever get to the parking lot.  We had to detour and take a very primitive temporary trail to get to the trail head.  We knew this was not correct since we had been given clear directions.  We asked the Gal manning the guard station and she was so very nice to us.  She locked her shack and walked us to the trail head.  We would never have found it otherwise.  Secondly flat is a relative term that means different things based on your age and level of hiking experience.  Regardless, we forged ahead and got to the river.  There we were rewarded by a delightful alpine stream.  

Just the right amount of wobble on this bridge to make it exciting

Trailhead finally!

We could hear the river before we could actually see it

Big trees all around

Notched out so we could walk through

A fast bird landed in the understory

Peaceful and beautiful

The sound of flowing water...

Twisted and gnarled

The blue of glacial melt

Twinkle twinkle little river


One fancy lizard

Fiddle head, time to go to dinner

Leslie the forest nymph 

Looking a little green

Wearing masks have affected my ears