Friday, December 17, 2021

16 December 2021: Huilo Huilo Reserve: Up Early to see the Sunrise

It cools down fast around 9:30 PM, once the sun sets, so we sleep with the windows open.  This means that when it rises again just before 6AM, we can hear all the birds chirping good morning to each other.  It seems loud due to the lack of any other noise such as cars, dogs or motorcycles.  This is what woke me up at 5:45 AM and I thought I would take this opportunity to take some sunrise photos.  I put on extra clothes as the temp was in the low 50's and the wind was blowing strong.  I even went up to the top observation area to get some videos.  The cold drove me back inside where I dove under the covers and went back to sleep. 

The sun was not up yet for us, but the top of the volcano was getting some light 

A bit more light

The facility is in a bowl of sorts, surrounded by mountains

Nice pinks

Reflections off the snow

Here comes the sun!

The birds were at their peak of singing

The Austral Parakeet landed right next to our balcony.  I heard it before it landed

shadows showing

Golden reflections

This shot shows the caldera of the volcano

Time to warm up
