Never the pair to follow directions we veered from the blue dotted line and found this flea market. We were headed back to the hotel but decided to take the scenic route instead and we are so glad that we did. We saw all kinds of very cool items at the flea market. One lady had matchsticks carved as the art pieces. She had a magnifying glass there so you could see the detail which was incredible. There were 20 different booths than had costume jewelry. I wanted to get a pinky ring but alas my pinky is gigantic. There were hand crafts and textiles and hats and leather goods and Mate jugs and so many items it's hard to even list them. Along the market there was a very pretty church. We stopped in and took alook around. The flea market went on for a dozen blocks and led to an old-timey traditional Market. Inside the traditional Market we got salad makings for our dinner. Since we had filled up at Chilla we decided this would be the perfect dinner. We strolled and gawked and looked and bought and finally realized the sun's going down. So then we turned turned tail and headed to the hotel double step because it was getting straught up cols and it was windy on top of it all.

The back of the little church
The front of the church
The Spire reaching up and all sunlit
The altar there were two people in there worshipping
There is music on every corner
A sea of black hair
The flea market was very crowded
The traditional Market is indoors
The road to the hotel is the United States