Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Off to the Museum of Bella Arts

The ho-ho comes right by our hotel on holidays, of which today is one. It's flag day today and everyone has the day off.
It was immediately noticeable this morning due to the lack of traffic and pedestrians. Unfortunately the ho-ho had to drive slowly anyway to keep to the schedule. We got to the Museum and were happy to see that it was open and free. They had a large and varied collection. We saw works by Rembrandt,  Degas, Renoir,  Toulouse-Lautrec, Picasso, Van Gogh, and Monet just to mention a few. Some were more notable than others. There was one room that stood out as it recreated the room of the original collector. He had boxes of curios that included several natuske.
Snake natuske 

Dragon natuske 

Go girl!

The circus is in town. I like the mustache on the strong man. 

Not a Van Gogh and the Van Gogh didn't look like what you would expect.