Several times today Leslie and I remarked as to how happy we have been with the hotel room. Starting with the view which is extraordinary. We have been able to see fishing boats and sailing boats and ships and people taking their pictures and their selfies by the giant Montevideo sign period we've also seen joggers and bike riders and exercisers and the whole world of Uruguay going by. Most importantly we've seen hundreds of dogs. I got my zoom camera out and can zoom in on them. There have been single dogs and puppies and large dogs and small dogs and groups of dogs and they've all been happy and playing. Secondly this staff has been excellent. They have been helpful and kind and they brought us a welcome Happy Anniversary note with a tasty brownie when we first got here. Last night however we got the most thoughtful gift of it all is a map of South America with pictures from our trip. The handmade thoughtfulness of all this was so very sweet.
Cute dogs
Leslie enjoying the library
Great seats to relax in, while waiting for our guests
Daytime View
The brownie after just a couple of bites
Our welcome note
Night-time View
A handmade map of our travels!
Another very personal note. It means a lot to us.
Special thanks to Paula