Once we got into Tegui we were very impressed. The restaurant is long and skinny with an open kitchen at the end. There was a wall of wine bottles behind us. We were greeted with some tasty champagne and as we were led to our tables we were excited with anticipation. The tasting menu was 10 items long however there were three snacks at the starter and so it's at least 13. Leslie and I share the wine pairing which made a little bit more reasonable. Right on the menu they said that we should take only memories not pictures. So we try to accommodate them but we did have to take a few pictures at the end. The service was impeccable. But the food just took it over the top. The mushrooms were giant oyster mushrooms with little shot of mushroom soup. The nandu is actually the Rhea which is the South American type of ostrich. The tortellini reminded me of Shanghai soup dumplings. I added the Argentinian Silverside to my carnivore list. The Partridge was scrumptious. All in all it was just a top-notch dinner. The three hours went by so fast that we didn't realize how late it was by the time we left. We got back to the hotel it was almost one in the morning.

The 10 courses minus the three extra that are snacks which really put you right over the top
It was nice to be reminded that you have dining companions which are more important than your phone.
The dining room is exquisite
A wall of wine bottles
The last serving was a dessert. The mini Mate glasses were very cute.