We got a taxi driver at the port and told him where we wanted to go. There was some confusion due to the language issues however Google Maps and Google Translate in conjunction allowed us to communicate where we wanted to go. We stopped off at the hotel for 1.5 minutes at most just to drop off our luggage, tell them that we are late for the restaurant and that we will be back. Then we had a whirlwind race to the restaurant. We took the 15 minute grace period seriously, although it probably wasn't serious. After all it is Latin America and when we arrived at 8:44 there were only two people ahead of us. After the taxi driver drove like a madman, running red lights, honking and going faster than we thought safe. He could only get us within a couple blocks. At that point we just said stop, gave him the money and ran all the way to the to the restaurant. Luckily for us the five times that the taxi stalled he was able to restart it. We're walking and running along and we come upon a door that's locked and we're not sure that this is Tegui or not. So we have to ring a bell and lo and behold in the sketchy neighborhood covered with graffiti, the door opens up to an oasis of gastronomy. I will have a separate post describing our dinner because it's quite extensive. As we ended our dinner we asked the waiter to call us a taxi, which he did. We got in and the driver knew exactly where to go. He drove even faster than the other guy. He ran more red lights than I've ever run, he drove 80 km/hr in the middle of the city. Luckily with the wine in our bellies, we had a great time!

The door is locked!
I tried to take a picture but we were going too fast
The door opens