We went to the Museum of Modern Art. They had an exhibition by Diego Bianchi and he is a modern artist who tries to break all barriers. You had to get into the exhibition through a strange tunnel that narrow down and curved. You had to climb over an old mattress and at places it was so low you could easily hit your head and obtain a head injury. Once you get into the main exhibition area the art was strange to say the least. Bizarre unnatural crazy could be other adjectives you might use. Then on the next floor was an exhibition of spiderwebs. In a large room the artist placed 18 colonies of a specific spider he had been working with for years and created an entire web of webs. The title was how to capture the universe in a spider web. Leslie remarked that this would probably give some of the children nightmares. I agree.
A mirror is at the end
Lean in for a photo
Are the spiders in the union?
The whole room is webs
The entrance
Wacky stuff