Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Last night on a cruise boat

Since it was the last night on the cruise boat.  We actually needed to put our luggage out in advance. We had such a great time at dinner putting raw items on a hot rock and then cooking them.  Eating them fresh off the rock was terrific!  I had such a great time cooking and eating that I didn't plan so well when  I packed my luggage. Leslie pulled my suitcase back in from the hallway and I  was able to grab some essential items.  I still forgot my socks.  Luckily we were able to get into our B&B at 9:30 and just drop off our luggage. The owners' daughter was there at the time and she was cleaning up. Lucky for us we had the cutest little dog with her. His name is lotto and she got him from a rescue in Portugal.  It was some much needed dog therapy.  Then we wanted around until we had our lunch in the park.
Hello habanero sauce

Beef, shrimp, lamb shawarma, paprika meatball.  The Madagascar prawns were so good I had to order more

Goodnight silver seas boat

Sizzling ribeye steak

They don't call them Danishs in Denmark they call them Viennas

Lotto the dog

Soft and friendly 
