When we arrived in Tallinn Estonia, we were able to see the mystery Spire off in the distance. This is what we had seen while out at Sea. We took a bus out to a couple of the highlights. It gave us a good feeling for how the town was laid out. It also took us out to the singing Stadium where as many as 20,000 people can sing simultaneously. It was the site of many protests back in the 90s as the Soviet Union was crumbling. The singing was an act of Civil Disobedience as they sang in Estonian and they sang the national anthem both of which have been severely restricted by the Soviets. We also saw an old Soviet Monument to the Dead Russian sailor's. Next to it is a new monument for the people exiled and/or killed by the Soviets. We also got to see where the sailing portion of the 1980s Olympics was staged. There's a red star and the Cauldron that held the Olympic flame. We also had a good commentary about how it was in Soviet times. They had the ability to get Finnish TV so they knew a lot about the west. Russia used them as a showcase for development so things were not as bad as they could have been

A visitor on our balcony
Watch your back, buddy
Yeah! a sunny day
Mystery Spire identified
The Barbie and Ken house
So very crowded we can barely get around
Leslie made a wish and it came true everybody was gone
To the left is a tower where they would put a flame underneath the Dome is where all the singers would stand
A famous composer and conductor
Light the flame
Next year the 150th year
A run of a monastery
Marina and site of the 1980 olympics
Olympic Village
Site of the flame
The Russian star
Monument to Russian Sailors
The mermaid