We lounged in the spa during the morning hours. I slipped over to the Blue Lagoon to take pictures. We had a bite in the cafe and then back to the airport. We had Saga class tickets so we could go to the lounge. It insulated us from the madness that is Keflavik international airport. It was even crazier at the gate. We saw Greenland on the flight, mountains and icebergs. We also saw the most beautiful scenery in Canada. I believe it is Tornget National Forest in New Foundland and Labrador. What a sight! Unfortunately we also saw thick smoke clouds from western fires.
On the way to Iceland we only saw the tip of Greenland. On the way back we actually got the fly over Greenland for an extended period of time
At first we only saw icebergs
Then we could see the coast
Using my zoom and shooting out the windows on the other side of the plane I could see these mountains
Mountains with the giant Greenland ice cap in the background
A majestic landscape
This is Torngat Natioal Park in Canada
What a view
Glaciers, fjords with very deep vallys
So desolate