The second leg of The Nutshell tour is a bus ride. It started out normal enough on divided highways. It went through small towns and past picturesque houses. But then we pulled off on a road that didn't seem big enough for even one bus much less any other cars. This used to be the main connection from Oslo to Bergen all the way until the 1970s, but it is no longer. It is now a one way downhill only road used to scare tourists. It is also used by insane bike riders. They chose to take us on this section because I think they like to hear people saying "oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god". That is exactly what they heard from the front seat were Leslie and I were sitting. The skill of this bus driver was nothing short of amazing. She knew exactly how many inches she needed to get close to the wall before she turned. There was an 18% grade on this road which is almost double the biggest I've ever ridden on. The vistas and the waterfalls and the scenic shots were incredible. At the end we started clapping and the rest of the bus joined in.

First row on the bus!
There are 7 or 8 buses waiting for everybody on the train. Although we got the first row on the bus it was the last bus
Beautiful purple and pink flowers along the way
Glacier topped mountains in the background
Small farmers homes
A small road for large busses
Crazy is all I can say
Low gear and check the brakes
So many waterfalls
The bus driver said the flow was reduced due to the dry summer
Pause the bus for pictures
The new road
Imagine the flow rate in the spring
Within inches of the wall
Narrow valley
An old time mile marker
Bald knob mountain
Cascades of waterfalls
We survived the bus ride