We woke up to a bright sunny day. I saw this hot air balloon in the far distance. It took all of my zooming power to get the picture. We popped over for a delightful breakfast. Items of note included a hole in the floor of the dining area, a bed of sprouts with a pair of scissors to cut them and an entire art room for the guests enjoyment. We stopped back into the room to do a load of laundry and as I was puzzling over the directions in German the maid service knocked on the door. I had forgotten to put the do not disturb sign back on the door knob, so she was here to clean. We did not want the room cleaned so I used the phrase I learned in High School German class, "nicht putzen das auto". Of course that means we don't need the car cleaned...but I did need help with the machine so she showed me what fluid to put in, where to put it and what buttons to press.. We left the washer to run and went directly to the floating café. It was bigger than I had imagined. There was a amphitheater there for concerts and then an entire café art gallery. Lots of fun! Right across the street was the Kunsthaus which is part art museum part Exploratorium. We were very impressed with this space and the building is so damn funky
I would add another star to this Hotel!
The Art Room
Sitting Area in the entrance area
Sitting and Art area
I guess this was a well. It is covered but I still stepped over it.
Lovely rose and balloon plant
The sprout bed
Yes, we were able to find a good breakfast
This was a five foot tall thinly sliced wooden sculpture
Time to get out into Graz
Inside this area is the cafe
The walkway to the other side
The entrance from out side of the river
Nice rapids and the walkway has lots of locks attached
The metal is very artistic
Auditorium area
We saw coffee and tea inside but kept moving
Make the turn and we are going to the other side
View from the bridge
Das Kunsthaus
The straight part on the top also had an art installation in it
Nice rainbow walkway
Cool central moving sidewalks to get to the next floor up
Lots going on here, lights, camera, action
Hmmm, a good art gig if you can get it
These are the port holes through the roof
Neon portal
Glass bubbles
Another art installation in the top area
The top floor
Leslie and I reflected in the surface of the Kunsthaus
There we are and off we go