We got an early start ion Lyon because they were having their "Run Lyon" and we did not want to get caught like we did by the "Run Paris" one week earlier. It is hard to wrap our heads around all the places we have been in a single week. Holiday saturation may be an overstatement but boy has it been fun! The drive started out easy with rolling hills but it soon became steeper and we started going through more and more tunnels. We made it across the border easily with a 40 swiss franc charge for the highway tax sticker. I am happy to pay once and not stop for toll booth after toll booth. It was not long after that when we went through a particularly long tunnel. As we emerged, I went directly into clench mode. The road that we were on came out of the tunnel and turned into a bridge 450 feet off the ground. This bridge went on for a half a mile suspended over everything before turning into a road barely clinging to the side of a mountain. There were a few more of these types of roads. After we got into t wide river valley I had to work my hands to loosen them up, I had been gripping the steering wheel a much too tightly. We drove from Geneva along Lake Leman, and Lake de Neuchatel where we stopped for lunch.
It was up or down, right or left at all times
It was a mad dash to the bathroom
Leslie is still learning how to frame a good picture. She did great on this one, she hit it right on the nose!
Lots of crop lands
Getting into some bigger mountains
We loved the scenery and it really wasn't as bad as I have made it out to be
This was the hairy area with construction and the abyss to my right