Friday, October 8, 2021

8 October 2021 on the Lake in Zurich


We used the app "GetMyBoat" to book a boat trip on Lake Zurich.  Out boat was delightful and our captain Eva kept us entertained the entire time.  She took us along the edges of the lake showing us the buildings and the landmarks along the way. There were sailboats out in the breeze and we saw a few excursion crafts.  We saw the park where we swam 14 years ago and we saw a naked butt of a swimmer as they were exiting he water.  Apparently naked swimming is common especially where there is a sauna nearby.  We saw two old steam driven ships and the water patrol was shadowing us. 

We met the boat here at the Hotel Storchen after a bit a few phone calls and some misdirection given to us.  We were where we were supposed to be, then we sent down river two bridges and after another call we met the boat half way between.    

Our boat !

At last

It is a nice old boat with lots of room

Baths that allow women only

Sailing the large ships

The round items in the forefront are fountains that interfaced to the Switzerland Seismological service ad pulses in the earth determine the output of the fountain

There must have been an earthquake in Crete

The rowing team 

Another sailboat

The steam powered ships

Leaning hard to starboard

The old next to the new

Keeping us safe by watching where we go

And distracted by my questions

Hopefully naked water sliding is not a thing

Looking back into town

A classic wooden boat.  This prompted our captain to relate the story of her friend who build a wooden kayak from a kit.  He built it in his apartment without taking into account of the need to extract the boat upon completion

The park where we were last time in Zurich

This is a now a Hotel with a fine rooftop terrace

Flying the flag high

Leslie saw folks feeding the swans some pizza crusts