After lunch we strolled along a side canal to the Old Botanical Gardens. There is a New Botanical Gardens but we chose this one instead. We saw odd things in the canal and odd signs in the garden. It was a lovely walk. We crossed back over the river and walked in a new commercial area.
A blocks long flea market
I would prefer a dictatorship
We are not sure what this playing field is. Water basketball or maybe kayak ball? There are gates you would find in competitive kayaking but there are also two goals suspended above the water.
A fun walkway along the canal
A funky wooden sculpture in the gardens
I have summited Mount Sculpture
We say a tiny gecko scurrying over this creation but he was too fast for a picture
We have seen this tree in South America
Another swimming area
This tree was huge. The top branches were all strapped together, not sure why
These must not be edible or someone would have had it for lunch
This sign denotes this area as a place to take selfies or maybe a place for choirs to line up
A dense bamboo forest
Lots of beer caps means lots of beer in the belly
Not sure what is going on inside
Lots of folks out for a Saturday walk
Lots of effort put into protesting public safety