Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Swedish History Museum

Once we found the entrance, the Swedish History Museum was a delight. They had a gold room which discussed where the gold came from and how they smelt it it and worked it where the silver came from the bronze and all the other forms of currency. They had 10,000 artifacts or more that were very well displayed. There were activities for old and young to participate in. We particularly liked the boat which was the oldest one ever found in Sweden.  It included a man, a woman, a horse and a greyhound all in the boat and sent off to the land of the Dead.
Art on the outside of the building

Second design

Third design 

Fourth design

The woman running this museum display talked about going Viking as a summer job for Swedes. These are the locations where they would travel for their summer job where they get pillage and such
Rune Stones 6 ft tall

More Rune Stones 

A goldsmiths Toolkit

Necklaces and Rings made of gold

An Amulet

Very thin gold discs

So fragile that very few of them survived

1500 year old piece of art

A bit creepy but fun nonetheless

I have seen this classic runestone displayed before

Architectural highlights

A Tiny Village that was recreated in the museum