We had train tickets for 11:20 a.m., so I threw out the "10 a.m. be ready to go" time frame thinking that if we're late we would still be in good shape. I was surprised that at 9:55 we were all ready to go! So we took the 85 steps down to the front door,with our baggage, walked across the street to the taxi stand and there were two taxis ready to take us to the train. The trip to the Sodar station only took 5 minutes but for Leslie, Kaitlyn and I that was five minutes of great entertainment. The taxi driver basically told us his life story, his life philosophy, the names of his wife, his children and thier birthdays. What a hoot, we had a great time talking to him. We got to the train track as if you knew what we were doing, but we still had an hour. Amazingly then our flew by as we watched all the people around us. There was a blind lady with a service dog who sat next to us. There was a woman that was perhaps 6 foot 6 inches tall, there were workers with body odour issues and super cute little kids. The train was a high speed train and it only took us 2 hours to get to Linkoping period I tried to take pictures but the train was going too fast and it all came out as a blur. It was surprising how much the train banked while going around corners. Walking from one car to the other was not that easy to do. Looking out the windows, we did notice several cars pulling travel trailers behind them. People were taking little summer vacations and pulling their tiny little trailers behind them. When we pulled out of the station my cousin Jan was there to help us out

We have arrived let the people watching begin
She needs to take a step back and or breathe through her mouth
The First class car was light roomy and spacious
Travellers, blogger, international gastrinomas
This is only one of about 6 bike parking lots that surrounded the central station
The Linkoping train station was quaint