It was a quick 26 hours indeed. We did sleep a portion of it, ate some and we got out and about too. All in all I would say it was a success. After the museum it was late afternoon so we ate up at the club lounge. Sushi, lite bites and herbal tea. We both were shagged out. With the prospect of another night flight, this one departing at 2AM, we thought a couple more hours of sleep could not hurt. So I set the alarm for 9:45 PM and we both managed a few hours of shuteye. Then it was time to pack and head out to the airport. I told the driver that we had an international flight which is funny because all the flights are international. Qatar is too small for domestic flights. The airport is big and busy. You could never figure that it was midnight based on the level of activity. It was packed! There were two different Qatar Airlines lounges and we were able to visit the fancy one. This lounge was so big that it was bigger that three other entire airport terminals combined. We had table side food service with lots to choose from. What a delight. We ate and them thought we would walk for a while to stretch out our legs. We walked a while indeed as it took us 25 minutes to get to the gate. There was a train to take, signs to follow, smoking lounges to avoid and so on. We did not have more than 10 minutes before they called for boarding. Off to the bus them off to the plane.

See the dust?
From our window
This building's lighting looked like a waterfall
I caught this building in the middle of a color change
The cavernous entry to the airpor
So very big, I wonder at the AC bill
So many odd things about this airport. For example is the bear wearing a hat or lamp?
Art in the lounge
Big and bright
Out train to terminal E
More art
This is the business class bus out to the plane. There was no driver in it for a long time so these passengers got panicked
Arghh, after a car , elevator, escalator, moving sidewalk, train and bus it's more stairs!
Aloft and above the lights of Doha