We continued north and east until we left the nation park behind. We reached a beach where the locals can hike to. There was a cool intertidal spot where the seawater goes in at high tide and then at low tide the fresh water fills of the area and basins to flow out. We also saw boulders, cliffs and many cool rock formations. We got to the outskirts of Beau Vallon where we turned around. There was the entire range of buildings on display. From Rusdian owned box buildings to one that looked like a swiss chalet. The rain picked up on the return. The swells got bigger too. To avoid the seasickness I kept trying to watch the horizon but the rain drops were stinging as they slammed into my face. I used the Ed Drimak trick and put on my snorkel mask. It did the trick and provided comic relief!

The blue dot is where we started. We went around the point which was the dive spot and pulled into the Cap Ternay lagoon where we snarled. Then up and over to Beau Vallon. All the green is the national park.
Up from the deep
The size of a house
A birthday party on the boat
Waves washed up high onto this rock
Intertidal zone
To the left of the rock the tug of war between fresh and salty
Folks who hiked to the beach
A very nice beach indeed
I could get used to this
The second half of the locals beach
Box house
Strange bedfellows architecturally
Rain and waves ouch
Problem solved
Storm cloud ahead
Destination ahead